Everyone can be themselves. Anywhere in the world. And earn their own living in the process. That is the goal of our giving circle Give A Damn Foundation.
Ambitious? Yes! Bold? Yes! And heartily innovative within the world of philanthropy. We prove to be trendsetters. Each member contributes a fixed amount and together, through a democratic process, we determine which LHBTQIA+ organization receives our money to build for the future.
How do we find those organizations? Partly with the help of Hivos. Last Thursday our members got together for a networking meeting along with Hivos. To learn how we complement each other and to figure out together how we can best advance our fellow LGBTQIA+ people. Want to learn more about the Give A Damn Foundation? Then send an email to: giveadamnfoundation@gmail.com.
Thanks to Frank Aalderinks and Mickey Andeweg for providing the content for the evening and thanks to VanderValkZuidas for facilitating this wonderful evening!