Baltic Pride took place in Lithuania on the 18th of June 2016. Gay Pride in Amsterdam is just another great event in the annual calendar of the city; in the Baltic States this is most certainly not the case. Advertising for the event is defaced and removed; the March for Equality has been repeatedly disrupted for the past few years.
The Give a Damn circle has a goal to support LGBTI people, and does this through supporting projects that focus on improving human rights, living conditions, and work conditions for LGBTI’s. Members of the Circle chose to support Baltic Pride for this reason.
Baltic Pride isn’t “just” a party. It is an important moment where the Baltic States are asked to pay attention to the human rights conditions for LGBTI people in the region. Our donation helped support activities with intention to increase the level of acceptance of LGBTI’s, and included a billboard campaign, and Pride Voices, an international human rights conference.
Click here for more information about our contribution to Pride Voices.