Supported organizations 2024: Morocco, Uganda and Costa Rica

On April 18, 5 LGBTQI+ organizations presented themselves online to the members of The Give A Damn Foundation. This year the proposed organizations came from Indonesia, Uganda, Morocco, Hungary and Costa Rica. Like every year, this year too it was not an easy task to make a choice.  After counting the votes, we came to the 3 organizations that we could support with a nice amount.

Trans Dynamics from Morocco

Trans Dynamics is committed to transgender, non-binary, gender non-conforming and intersex people in Morocco.  They fight for equal human rights, are committed to building communities, making healthcare available, etc. Trans Dynamics wants to purchase a car with the gift from Give A Damn. This increases the reach and reduces travel costs for the target group because Trans Dynamics can visit more people throughout the country.


The second organization we support in 2024 is TRIUMPH Uganda. The Robust Initiative For Promoting Human Rights (TRIUMPH UGANDA) is a volunteer organization led by LGBT lawyers and activists and was founded in 2014, officially registered by the government of Uganda in 2016. The main goal of TRIUMPH Uganda is to work on marginalized communities including the focus on the LGBTIQ+ community. They stand up for human rights and work to prevent the further spread of HIV/AIDS. The Give A Damn donation invests in increasing the safety of the organization’s members and for mental well-being sessions.


The third organization we support this year is IRCA CASABIERTA in Costa Rica. This is a shelter and plays an important role for refugees in the surrounding countries in Central America. IRCA is committed to providing a safe home for LGBTIQ+ refugees. The risk of poverty is high among refugees. IRCA CASABIERTA provides comprehensive psychosocial and economic support. The donation from Give A Damn will be used to further strengthen its own organization.